Your car l & agrave; an important investment. V & igrave; So, I understand and understand; proactively carry out maintenance of the vehicle of the vehicle; It is absolutely necessary to protect the investment. Use v & agrave; Vehicle maintenance Do not use the vehicle's lifespan. Due to the à ngo âuteâ ngo & ngo ngo ngo, the understanding of r & otilde; Technical l & aa safety car & vrave; cultivation & manual instruction manual vehicle maintenance regulations production, you need to understand r & otilde; t-function, operation mechanism and operation; Use a number of safety devices, such as “car”, “safe”, “n”, “safe”, anti-system, anti-vehicle; hard braking, etc.
Understand it & oacute; towel of users, Toyota Vietnam đ & atilde; combined with c & l, yacute; of Toyota tr & ecirc; big country of national & international customs organization c c c warehouse “User manual & Manual; Careful & oacute; c car ” For a new Toyota vehicle purchase.

From 2001 until now, many warehouses “User manual & Manual; Careful & oacute; c car ” d & atilde; It is organized for h à ve â ngâ ng s time. C&C warehouse instructions n & atilde; Really? It is the wonder of the customer including even the smallest problems, adding to the basic knowledge of techniques for using Toyota vehicles; ch, periodic maintenance instructions Self-maintenance from simple inspection. B & ecirc; n edge e & oacute ;, c & aacute; c ch & iacute; nh s & aacute; ch new or th & ocirc; ng about rights kh & aacute; ch h & agrave; ng also introduced V & agrave; update. In particular, c warehouse n y y c thiệu introduction for the experience of using vehicles and vehicles; with specific conditions in Vietnam.
With the help of a manual & a manual; Take care of & oacute; c cars, Toyota guarantees for the investment of the vehicle, the Toyota cars will be; Methods of efficient investment economic.