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The Arts performances of Savico system “Celebration of 30th Anniversary of the Corporation”

108 - 2012

The Arts performances of Savico system was one of the activities that belonged to the events in celebration of 30th Anniversary Ceremony of Savico (Sept 1st 1982 – Sept 1st 2012), and 15th anniversary of Ben Thanh General Corporation. The program of arts performances was successfully conducted at the Political education Center, 85-87 Tan Vinh Street, District 4, HCMC, on Aug 3rd 2012.

 The bustling atmosphere of the performances, the thorough preparation and enthusiastic participation of all the units in the entire Savico system created many surprises in the Performance program.

The performace "Bay vao ngay moi" (literally translated as "Fly towards a new day") was the theme of Saigon Star Company, expressing the aspiration and the faith in a bright future. Saigon Star is an automobile company of the city that has the vitality of a young city full of aspirations; an office unit of Savico with a faith in the future, daring to dream and take actions, and the human resource of Savico will bring the corporation to greater success. And it was Saigon Ford with the theme "Sai Gon Thanh pho cua toi" (literally translated as "Saigon my city") that recounted the old and new Saigon with ups and downs and its beauty that has mesmerized myriads of tourists. The Dana Ford unit expressed a peculiar feature like the breath of life, the salty flavor of the sea in the Central part of Vietnam as long as the simplicity and rusticity of its people. With a little bit of artistic nature and singing passion, Can Tho Toyota unit appealed to the whole audience with a serene sing voice along with such a lyrical song. All the units with different themes seemed to mingle together, representing the feature of Savico with union, belief and aspiration for the future.


With as sense of justice and humorous comments, the jury (including the musicians The Bao, Xuan Tien and Dang Khuong) made the atmosphere more effervescent than ever. Brilliant faces, wonderful singing voices and the enthusiastic and fluttering atmosphere created the attracting and new feature of this year's arts performances.

This was also an occasion for all of the staff in the whole Savico system to meet, enhancing the spirit of emulation to overcome difficulties and challenges, bring into play traditions, determine to complete planned targets in celebration of 30th Anniversary of Savico.