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Savico Building 2015 "Prove collective strength"

258 - 2015

 During the last two days, 22, 23 August 2015, Saigon General Service Corporation (SAVICO) successfully held the 1st Teambuilding program for more than 60 employees at Mui Ne Bay – Phan Thiet with the aim of helping employees to realize the value of organization, enhance their consciousness for collectivity and company.

With the aforesaid meaningful aim, the leadership coordinated with organization board to build content of Teambuilding program with actually interesting games whose level is increased gradually in order to help each employee to prove at the highest level soft skills, behavior skills, teamwork skills to coordinate when working and solve difficult circumstances in a harmonious and effective way.

Game Ice Breaker helps to build an effective team by dispelling hate, jealousness; proving solidarity; dignifying sympathy and understanding between members. Game Coordinates helps to find a team’s true leader who is able to orient, gather ideas of members and guide his team to work together and solve issues effectively. Game Headquarters helps to prove the profession by linking minds and hearts whereby new prominent elements of the team will be detected. Team Gap Mending (Vá Lổ Hổng) dignifies team spirit, sacrifice for team, acceptance of changes and challenges to achieve unexpected targets,…


 Each activity of this Teambuilding program is an event showing the value of enterprise to employees, customers, partners and society causing employees to pride themselves on workplace, their own value contributed to the organization forming habit and culture of “working collectively” in the most effective way.

As the message sent by Mr. Mai Viet Ha - General Director of SAVICO to the entire employees before the date of Teambuilding: “An individual will not be able to do all tasks well. Each individual has specific target that associates with target of division and company. We can only complete common target if we have good individuals and a united, strong and supportive team. I believe that anyone of us also understands and agrees. We may unite but not really cohere; we may cohere but not closely cohere; we may be good but need be better ... that is what the company’s leadership wants through activities that will be happen during coming 2 days so that we continue to improve that principle and spirit”, SAVICO’s employees experienced, worked, played extremely together with the spirit of “Unity, creativity and teamwork for achieving target”