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35th Anniversary of Savico establishment

318 - 2017

The 35th anniversary of SAVICO establishment was successfully held on the morning of August 30th, 2017 at the meeting-hall of Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee.

The event showed the sustainable development of a brand that has created prestige in the domestic and foreign business community for the stuff, creativity, effort and persistence of SAVICO employees for many generations.

The 35th anniversary of SAVICO establishment is also the occasion of SAVICO's honor to receive the First-class Labor Medal for the second time and the traditional flag of the People's Committee. These are the valuable encouragement and recognition for the efforts of all SAVICO employees in the past time. At the same time, SAVICO's Management also gratefully acknowledged and donated souvenirs to its predecessors and employees who contributed to the development of SAVICO. Such cultural beauty warmed the participants.


Mrs. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh - Deputy President awarded the First Class Labor Medal to Savico

“As a result of the 35-year journey, Happiness has come to SAVICO as more and more customers are satisfied with the products, services and values that SAVICO offers. SAVICO's happiness is to create more stable income jobs for employees; together with the manufacturers trained a skilled workforce, meeting regional and international standards, satisfying the increasing requirements from customers” - Mr. Nguyen Binh Minh – Chairman of Director Board of SAVICO said at the ceremony.

Mr. Tran Vinh Tuyen - Deputy Chairman of People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City awarded certificate of merit to Savico

It can be said that the event has made strong impression on the participants as well as all SAVICO employees. From surprise, since SAVICO's early years were only small-scale District 1 service company with an initial capital of less than VND150 million, SAVICO has so far had equity of VND1,172 billion and total assets of over VND3,700 billion, and over 4,000 employees; to admiration and respect of every effort that SAVICO's leaders and companions have faced and overcome in the difficult times, and then pride that SAVICO is today a strong brand and determined to strive to further develop...

SAVICO's journeys are summed up in full, illustrated by lively music and dances. Music and songs resound - bringing people closer together, more tightening the spirit of solidarity and cultural beauty of SAVICO.

With all the trust of our partners, customers, shareholders and all employees, SAVICO is committed to implementing the most effective and responsible strategies and plans to bring the values contributing to the society and economic development of the country. Your SMILE is the FAITH for us to reach new HEIGHT

Some photos at the ceremony: